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Bo-bo Ski Watten Totten

clap1Bo-bo ski watten totten,
Eh-eh, eh-eh, boom boom boom
Itty bitty wotten totten
Bo-bo ski watten totten
Bo-bo ski wotten totte – BOOM!
Go Chiefs!

Another Version

Bo-bo ski watten totten
Ah-ah, ah-ah boom boom boom
itty bitty wotten totten
bo bo ski wotten totten
bo bo ski wotten totten
Freeze please American cheese (stop clapping)
Please don’t show your teeth to me
(start over and repeat song hiding different body parts at the end, ie: lips, eyes, etc.)

My mom told me this was done as a crowd cheer when she was in school in the 1940’s:

Bo bo ski watten tottle, ala sssssssss,
Bo bo ski watten tottle, ala sssssssssss,
Eaten beaten watten tottle
eaten beaten watten tottle,
Bo bo ski watten tottle ala sssssssss.

submitted by D

Posted in Clapping Games

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